Monday 7 March 2016


          Ever since I was a small child I have loved picture books and  story books with illustrations.  A small illustration can clarify what the author is explaining in words.  A drawing or photo can serve as a marker for information the reader needs, as in a how-to article in a magazine.  Word pictures and films are powerful tools in communicating a story. 

          Jesus taught short stories explaining the kingdom of heaven, the personality and character of God the Father, and many principles and purposes of relationship with Him.

          Since the Holy Spirit is one of the three personalities of God, and He knows me intimately, it is logical that He teaches and speaks through pictures in my mind.

          Lying in bed, in the quiet of the night, I listen. It is often this kind of moment I will see a picture or hear a phrase.  A couple of nights ago this concept suddenly presented itself to me.

Phase One
God the Father
Created our world and all that is in it.
Phase Two
Jesus the Son
Stepped into the creation He
co-created with the Father
Phase Three
Holy Spirit
Came to inhabit the earth through His Bride, the Church

          Phase One:  God the Father spoke with such authority that particles of matter obeyed His voice and the world came together.  The world was established with systems of weather, systems of beginning and ending—like planting seeds, which grow into plants and then culminate into harvest.  God created man in His image and then gave mankind the opportunity to have the knowleged of good and evil.

          Phase Two:  Aware that man would choose the knowledge of good and evil, the Triune God agree to the plan of redemption.  Jesus, who participated in the creation, stepped into His own creation. 

“(3)All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. …  (10)He came into the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him [did not know Him].  He came to that which belonged to Him [to His own—His domain, creation, things, world,], and they who were His own did not receive Him and did not welcome Him.”  John, Chapter One.

To those seeking truth, Jesus taught how to become the Children of God.  He declared the Kingdom of Heaven, and demonstrated holy love to those willing to follow Him.  Through His death and resurrection, He established His supernatural government, with the promise of a Helper. 

Jesus gave instructions for them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father’s promise;  The Third Person of the Trinity would be called
·       Counsellor
·       Helper
·       Intercessor
·       Advocate
·       Strengthener
·       Standby

Phase Three:  On the first Pentecost about 120 people were together, with one mind and devoted to prayer when they received the sudden visitation, like the rushing of a violent tempest blast.  The Holy Spirit appeared to each person as tongues of fire, separating and settling on every individual.  His Presence was diffused throughout their souls.  The Holy Spirit so overwhelmed them that they began speaking in other languages.  The Holy Spirit came to manifest God’s Kingdom here on earth through His Church. 

The Holy Spirit has been working His wonders in Jesus’ name through the centuries.  Jesus asked of the Father, so the Father sent the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, to remain with us forever.  He is called the Spirit of Truth, whom we welcome and take to our hearts because we recognise Him. 

Because of the Holy Spirit, the Church was born.  Because the Holy Spirit is born within us, it is His empowerment that causes the Kingdom of God to supersede all remaining natural governments.  Any Christian is a citizen of Heaven and is welcome in any Christian congregation anywhere on earth; without a passport, without the need for a visa or any state government approval.  A person might be limited by international borders preventing travel.  But the Blood bought Church is universal.  The Church existed before my birth, and the birth of my generation.  It will exist long after I am gone from this world.  Yet, the work of the Holy Spirit will continue on. 

In my imagination I watched the unfolding of:

  • Creation, like a shot of the earth from the space Shuttle
  • Creation of mankind
  • Creation of the covenant of salvation
  • Creation of the supernatural, superseding Body of Christ the Church

In seeing that story unfold, I see that we were created for the Holy Spirit, as a gift from the Father.  How amazing is our God. 

I hope you can see the picture too.

Serving Jesus, Author of our faith,

“Lady Helene”

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