Wednesday 2 March 2016

I want to ride MY bicycle, I want to ride my bike...

Blasting wind chaffed my face and nipped at my ungloved hands as I locked the door.  I had just finished work for the day and was barely on the sidewalk when I heard a car horn honk.  I scanned the corner and saw a friend from church getting ready to turn his car into St. Mary's Road.  Realising I had seen him, he waved me over to the car, having parked up next to the church centre.

"Hi Niall."  I greeted my friend.

"Hi!"  he said, as he pulled out his mobile.  "Would you like a bike?"  He continued to swipe the phone face looking for the photo.

"A bike?"  I ask in order to clarify. 

"A bike.  The people are moving, so they want to get rid of it."  He hands me the mobile.

I get excited, because it is exactly the kind I would like.  And it looks like it is a small/short bike.

"Yes, I would like a bike.  How much do they want for it?"  

"Nothing, they just want to get rid of it.  It's too nice to throw out.  Get in the car!  We'll go get it."  

I rang 'Maverick' and told him that I would meet him at home instead of the local shops.  And I told him about the bike.  

Tomorrow he is taking the bike to the bike shop for a service .  I'm very excited, because now I can start riding locally with 'Maverick.'

For months 'Maverick' has been asking me:  "Would you like a bike?"  I'd always answer yes.  As if unconvinced, he'd ask again a couple of weeks later.  So, I guess this was God's miracle of provision;  but it was also God's way of answering John--"Yes, My son, your Lady Helene wants a bike."

Serving Jesus, Author of our faith,
"Lady Helene"

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