Monday 11 April 2016

Catching Up Again

          On Friday, 2nd April, a little dry niggle appeared at the back of my throat. 
“Oh Great!  I hope this irritation isn’t what I think it is.”
I’d spent almost 10 days in January weathering through a virus.  Three months later I was experiencing similar symptoms.  But it wasn’t a simple virus!  It quickly deteriorated into a chest infection, complete with phylum and a painful cough. 
On Monday I made it to the doctor, who kindly prescribed amoxicillin.  Once again, I repaired to the couch in the lounge.  It seems to me that the overstuffed arms of the couch provide a great angle on which to stack a few cushions or pillows on which to sufficiently prop one’s self up to rest.   On our double bed, I can’t get a high-enough stack that is also firm enough to support me.  And it also means that “Maverick” won’t be disturbed by my restlessness and harking cough. 
Maisy couldn’t understand why “mommy” didn’t want to play.  But eventually she’d just resign herself to the situation and join me on the couch, napping. 
“Maverick” returned to work on 29th March, which meant that I’d have to take Maisy out at least twice a day when he was at work.   Strongly encouraging her to get to her business, I didn’t talk too much, as it would set off a coughing spasm that was tiring and painful. 
I couldn’t help but think about my younger, single days.  I used to push through, going to work no matter how badly I felt.  I’d even been sent home from work.  Now I simply go to bed and stay there—if I can.   When "Maverick" is at work, and Maisy needs to go out, I have no recourse but to step into the wellingtons(boots) and slip on the coat, tromp down the stairs and out the back door; once she is done, I  gladly retreat to the dry warmth of the flat . 
The couch time has once again set me behind schedule in trying to reach 200 blog posts for the year.  So, if I do another “blog post blitz” to get back on track, I hope you will forgive me.  
Serving Jesus, Author of our faith,

"Lady Helene"

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