Sunday, 11 August 2013

Prayer of Intercessions for 11 August 2013

The Prayer I wrote for today's intercessions.

Psalm 4:3
Amplified Bible (AMP)
But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself [and given distinction to] him who is godly [the man of loving-kindness]. The Lord listens and heeds when I call to Him.
Reader:  The Lord listens
Response: and heeds when I call to Him.

Leaders/Government:  Most Righteous Creator God, who invites us to call You Father, thank you for setting us apart through your grace.  You are a God of order; we know that all authority and government exists by your design.  We pray for world leaders—presidents, kings and royal families—who are appointed to establish and maintain justice and laws for the benefit of the country’s citizens.  We pray that those who know You will seek your wisdom, counsel, and rule with skill, integrity and courage.  We pray the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to rulers who do not know you; that they will come to know you.  We pray all leaders will seek to be servants, doing what is best for their countries as a whole.
Reader:  The Lord listens
Response: and heeds when I call to Him.

The Church: Jesus Christ, Lover of your Bride, the church, we seek for unity in purpose and communion—just as you and the Father with the Holy Spirit are one.  David wrote Behold, how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity! ...for there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.”  We pray for church leaders : Our Queen who is Head of the Church of England, Archbishops—specifically Justin Welby—Bishops, and all clergy worldwide—Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic.  May they have your word written in their hearts and not just their minds.  We pray for Robin, Colin and Bruce as they work together to bring the message of Jesus Christ to our parish.  Continue to give vision, wisdom, courage to them; and bless them with health and strength.
Reader:  The Lord listens
Response: and heeds when I call to Him.

World and Missions:  All-seeing, All-knowing God, the world is full of sorrow, pain, war, sickness—most of which is caused by the selfishness of mankind.  We thank you for visionaries, prophets and people who are passionate about bringing your righteousness and justice into a broken world.  Relief workers, community development designers, medical and community health instructors work daily to minister to the poor, widows, orphans and elderly—both here in the United Kingdom and around the world.  We pray for these peace-makers, teachers, doctors and nurses who seek to further your Kingdom by serving with compassion.  Please provide all they need—spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.  We pray for the Persecuted Church.  Pour out grace, courage, and provision to all who suffer.
Reader:  The Lord listens
Response: and heeds when I call to Him.

Local Community:  Loving Father, you see our local community, and compared to the world, our needs might seem little.  But we know that there are families who are affected by poverty, sickness and even hopelessness.  Guide us, by the Holy Spirit, to be your hands and feet, to bring hope, encouragement, and the resources to broaden your Kingdom.  We pray for those who are recently married or have become parents.  Help your Church to make connections with these families to be a resource for stability, counsel and practical help during these life-changing events. 
Reader:  The Lord listens
Response: and heeds when I call to Him.
The Sick and Bereaved:  Teacher, Friend, Healer—Jesus Christ, as the four men brought the man on his pallet to you, being persistent enough to dig through the ceiling and lower him into your presence for healing, so we bring our friends and loved ones to you for your touch.  Impart your peace to them, help hope to grow and ease their suffering.  We specifically bring to you:  Robert Sharp, Ruby Trotter, Simon …see page
Father of Compassion, let those who have experienced the loss of a dear one, find consolation in faith.  Help them walk through the shadows of grief, knowing that although away from us physically, they live on in us—in our memory—and for some of us—through our DNA. 
Reader:  The Lord listens
Response: and heeds when I call to Him.
Merciful Father, Accept these prayers for the sake of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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